So it's a funny story...well maybe not so much funny as humorous. Okay, maybe not as much humorous as WHAT.WERE. YOU. THINKING...ISH...Y(?)
Still lost with the return of our bashing-filled nights and increasing number of behaviour issues (now having added teeth-grinding to the list) I asked Doc Paed if he thought the Risperdal could be the cause of much of our issues and whether I should try weaning Sam off it. Surprisingly Doc Paed's reply started with "Perhaps the Risperdal should be upped, not stopped..."
WHAT? NO!!! A million times NO! I'm still coming to terms with the original prescribed dose and the mere fact that my 5yr old is even on an anti-psychotic medication. Mmmmm...about that 'original prescribed dose' though. You know, the one that I independently decided to decrease to the recommended dosage per weight in the always-studied pamphlet, as opposed to the dosage prescribed by the qualified, over-efficiently experienced paediatric neurologist. And which independently modified dosage was based on an almost 4kg lighter lil smurfy dude!
So, increased Sam's dose of Risperdal to what was originally prescribed and, although we've had one or two iffy hours occasionally, sleeping on the whole has improved. So mom doesn't always know best...who woulda think it!
The headslapping and irrational reaction to people moving around him remains, accompanied now with the teeth-grinding as mentioned, but they seem a little easier to tolerate when one's had some sleep xxx
Hi There, I just spent a little time reading through your posts. Please continue to write more because it’s unusual that someone has something interesting to say about this. Will be waiting for more!