This particular hunting expedition takes place at Sam's paed's office and, very hopefully, will bless us with an awesome treasure...which treasure would be in the way of some sort of explanation as to why our little smurfy dude is still travelling along that road called regression. I do so hate that road...bleh :(
We're still stuck in that place where walking with the walker is an absolute no-no, even walking with me holding him involves loads of frights and surprisingly-potent pinches on whichever part of my body happens to be within reach (usually that tender spot at the back of the arm), bath time has again become a series of suddenly crouching forward in fear of the awful...uuhhmmm...nothingness behind Sam in the bath (!). Super clingy is a major understatement as Sam brings new meaning to the term "separation anxiety" which means lucky me (whoop whoop) gets to be in bed before 8pm EVERY. NIGHT. We're doing some great v-wording again too, mostly at night.
Usually this type of regression tails on the back of some sort of pain, usually from a surgery. But we've not had a serious surgery since the last testicle repair. Which is my real concern at the moment...Sam's last remaining little testicle has gone M.I.A. I am hoping that perhaps it has just been in hibernation during the Winter and has not yet realised that (finally) Spring has sprung. I have tried quite a few times to...uuhhmm...locate it, but can't feel it anywhere. I am hoping that Doc Paed will perform a more confident examination and find it hiding away in a little corner somewhere because, honestly, another surgical repair for this particular issue will just not be a ball of fun :D
A quick glimpse into the last few weeks via some pics...
Sam had a pretty mean throat infection during the school holidays which inevitably landed up in some croup, which inevitably landed up in some v-wording
Not even going to delve into the disaster that is sleep (or lack thereof) but apparently pretending to be asleep is quite comical to Sam
Sick little Smurf
Venturing onto (and apparently quite liking) the big boy swing at Aunty Christa's
Embracing his paternal instincts
The warmer weather meant being able to get outside a little more, although the nasty South-Easter is trying bitterly to keep us inside. Boo!
How we spend bathtime.
iPadding in the dark when I'm meant to be sleeping. Tsk Tsk.
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